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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.44, No. 4, 1999, 281-284
Niewiadomska Katarzyna (1), Czubaj Andrzej (2), Maslinska Danuta (3), Pomorski Pawel (4) - A supplementary data on the nervous system of daughter sporocyst of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum Niew. (Digenea).

(1) W. Stefanski Institute of Parasitology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa; (2) Institute of Zoology, Warszawa University, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa; (3) Department of Pathophysiology, Medical Academy, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa; (4) M. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, L. Pasteura 3, 00-973 Warszawa; Poland

The nervous system of daughter sporocyst of D. pseudospathaceum is described on a basis of acetylcholinesterase activity, histofluorescence of biogenic amines and serotonin immunoreactivity. Description of the posterior part of the nervous system is added to the hitherto described brain ganglia and irregular network of nerve fibres surrounding anterior end of the sporocyst. The immunoreactivity of 5-HT was observed in laterally situated main nerve cords, which run along the whole length of the body and unite at its posterior end. Some ramifications of the main cords were also visible. A possible role of messenger molecules observed in daughter sporocyst nervous system is discussed.

KEY WORDS: Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, daughter sporocyst, nervous system, AChE, biogenic amines, serotonin
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 15-12-1999