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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.46, No. 1, 2001, 35-38
Balicka-Ramisz Aleksandra - Studies on the influence of coccidiostats and selenium on the course of coccidiosis in lambs.

Department of Animal Hygiene and Prophylaxis, University of Agriculture, Dr Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin, Poland


The studies were carried out on 120 lambs in the weight range 35-40 kg, divided into the following groups - control (A); treated with salinomycin 0.6 mg/kg body weight, (B); treated with selenium (Se) - 2 ml of 0.1% solution monthly (C); treated with salinomycin and Se as above (D); treated with toltrazuril 20 mg/kg body weight, twice at the age of 110 and 117 of days (E); and treated with selenium and toltrazuril (F) as above. The selenium level was determined with the Watkinson method. The extensity and intensity of coccidia infection were examined using the Willis-Schlaaf and McMaster methods. The body weight was recorded monthly. The coccidiostats salinomycin and toltrazuril were highly efficient against Eimeria and are suited for coccidiosis prophylaxis in lambs. In particular toltrazuril is active against all intracellular stages, and can be used for controlling and treatmening coccidiosis. The use of coccidiostats simultaneously with selenium had increased the body weight gains in lambs. The best results were obtained in experimental groups in which both agents were used. The results of the studies show, that selenium enhances the activity of coccidiostats. It seems to be useful to administer selenium simultaneously with coccidiostats as an agent aiding their efficiency when controlling the coccidiosis.

KEY WORDS: lambs, infection rate, coccidiostats, selenium
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 08-03-2001